1·As the comet nears the sun, its ice melts, releasing gas and dust that stream away into space.
2·In the COCKPIT, Quaritch watches as the Omaticaya stream away from the Great Tree, running along roots and branches.
3·As the comet nears the sun, its ice melts, releasing gas and dust that stream away into space. (Explore an asteroids and comets interactive.)
4·It turned out that there were actually four times as many bird pairs or couples living in the stream edge habitat compared to the area away from the stream.
5·The mother brushed away her tears, but they kept coming, a stream she couldn’t stop.
6·Take a deep breath in and breathe out, once again. Now imagine that the tension in your entire body melts away and you are flowing softly in the stream of serenity.
7·I think of other ages that floated upon the stream of life and love and death and are forgotten, and I feel the freedom of passing away.
8·She shoves him away and stands, screaming at him as tears stream down her face.
9·The train sped on; the broad fields with their blue-green border trees, and the villages nestling in their shade flew past in a stream of pictures which melted away like a flood of mirages.
10·The process of living shifts away from the day-to-day intervals and instead becomes like a continuously flowing stream.